Philippians 4:4-6
The message of Advent is the Lord is near! Therefore, “be anxious for nothing”, but let the “peace of God guard our hearts and minds!” With less than two weeks until Christmas, I’m sure many hearts and minds are filled with anxiety.
As we continue to celebrate the first advent of our Lord, and look forward with great anticipation for his second advent, perhaps you could be His forerunner today in someone’s life. You and I know “the Lord is near,” and we can sense His presence, but what about that person who lost a loved one in the last year and will face their first Christmas alone, or that dad and mom who, through no fault of their own, won’t have the resources to express their love to their children? What about those in our community who will not have enough food to eat?
Ask the Lord to reveal someone unto you who needs to know “the Lord is near!” Use good discernment, but let them know God is the one who sent you to let them know He has not forgotten them. Try it today! You will be surprised at the joy that swells up in your own heart.