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The Just Shall Live by Faith

“Spiritual Transformation: Behaving Like a Believer” Romans 6:14-23

Date:December 8, 2024
Author: Wayne J. Edwards


This Sunday at 6:00 PM, we will continue our study of Paul’s incredible letter to the Christians in Rome. In this sermon, we will examine Romans 6:14-23 under the heading “Behaving Like a Believer.”

Think about the glorious truth of this passage: Romans 6:17-18: “You were the servants of sin. But ye obeyed from the heart that doctrine which was delivered to you. Being then made free from sin, ye became servants of righteousness.”

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This will be our last Sunday night service for the year.
Sunday night services will resume in January, 2025.

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Heritage Baptist Church Sermon

The Just Shall Live by Faith
“Spiritual Transformation”
“Behaving Like a Believer”
Romans 6:14-23

Being saved by grace does not give the believer a license to sin, but the liberty to live as God has desired and designed him.

1. Learn Something: Sin shall not dominate the true believer – vs 14-15

  • The true believer is no longer under the power of sin, but is now under grace.
  • Would a true believer use this grace as a license to continue to sin? God forbid!

2. Know Something: You can only serve one master, either sin or God! – vs 16

  • If a person serves or yields to sin, they shall die.
  • If a person serves or yields to God, they shall live.

3. Remember Something: You CHOSE righteousness: – vs 17-18

  • You were the servants of sin…”
  • “But ye obeyed from the heart that doctrine which was delivered to you!” (Preached)
  • “Being then made free from sin, ye became servants of righteousness.”

4. Do Something: Serve God with the same fervor you once served sin – vs 19-20

  • Your former sinful life only yielded more sin.
  • Your new righteous life can yield more holiness.
  • You now have the freedom and the power to do what you could never have done – to live a pure and holy life before the Lord.

5. Question Something: What fruit is there in sin? – vs 21-22

  • The true believer should be ashamed of their past sin:
    • Ezra 9:6 –
    • Psalm 44:15 –
  • The temporal fruit of all sin is unholiness, resulting in eternal death.
  • The temporal fruit of righteousness is holiness, resulting in eternal life.

6. Consider Something: The wages of sin vs. the gift of God – vs 23

  • Eternal life is not the payment of our wages, because our works of righteousness are of no value to our salvation.
  • Eternal life is the gift of God, and it is only through -Jesus Christ our Lord!

What, if anything, is different about your life today than before you were born again?

What, if anything, PROVES the Holy Spirit is at work in your life; conforming you to the life of Christ?