The Just Shall Live by Faith
“Confessions Of a Struggling Soul!”
Romans 7:14-25
When we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior surrendered unto Him as our Lord, we were declared to be righteous, by our faith in the Person and work of Jesus Christ.
- That “doctrine” of our faith is called justification.
- Our sin debt was justified by the blood of Jesus.
As the Holy Spirit indwells us, a divine miracle begins to take place in our lives God begins to make us as righteous as He has declared us to be.
- That “doctrine” of our faith is called sanctification.
- God separates us from sin and draws us to our Savior.
In 2 Peter1:1-11, the Apostle says the success of that process will be equal to our knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord.
- God has given to us a portion of His divine nature – Vs. 4
- That nature is to be fleshed out through our lives as we add to our faith: virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love.
- The believer who possessed these qualities would be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of Jesus Christ – Vs. 8 – They would be assured of their entrance into heaven – Vs. 10
- The believer who lacked these qualities would be blind and forget how they were first saved.
- “Give diligence to make your calling and election sure!” Vs. 10
In verses 14-25, the Apostle Paul illustrates this process of sanctification with his own personal testimony.
- Vs. 14 – there is the declaration: The Law is Spiritual.
Confession 1: Lost Man Is Carnal – a slave to sin – Vss. 14-17
- A carnal life is a never-ending struggle.
- Carnal knowledge is never adequate.
- Carnal man has a depraved nature: prone to sin!
Confession 2: Lost Man Is Depraved – void of good – Vs.18
- His will and resolve are unable to change him.
- Even the good he might do is invalidated by the bad he wants to do – or to do good for the wrong reason.
- Carnal man incapable of changing his nature.
Confession 3: Even Saved Man Is Divided – law of two forces – Vss. 21-23
- The law of God works within him, drawing him to holiness, godliness, righteousness, etc.
- The law of sin works through the mind and body, competing with the desires of his heart.
Confession 4: Man Is a Desperate, Wretched Man Who Needs a Deliverer – Vs. 24
- Man might be able to deliver himself from the appearance of evil – the outward attractions, etc.
- No man is able to deliver himself form the presence of evil – for he cannot be delivered from himself.
Confession 5: That Deliverer Is Jesus Christ – Vs. 25
- Jesus Christ can justify the believer before God
- Jesus Christ cane place the believer under God’s grace.
The process of sanctification begins in our minds.
- Romans 12:1-2, Eph. 4:22-24, 1 Pt. 1:13
When we know we are free from the demands of the law, we then desire to obey the law out of our love for the Lord.