Date:February 2, 2025
Author: Wayne J. Edwards
One of the people God used to encourage my call to the ministry was a dynamic Christian teenager named Donny Doud. After being diagnosed with Leukemia, Donny withdrew from his family and friends for a season of private prayer and worship. When he returned, he told his church, “The Lord hasn’t told me how long I will live, but I’ve told Him I will speak for Him and sing for Him every day until He calls me home.”
Donny took his guitar and drove his yellow VW bus to schools, churches, prisons, nursing homes, coffee houses, and other places that invited him to come and share his testimony. Near the end of his life, the surrounding churches’ youth organized a series of revival meetings. The final meeting was held in the 1st Baptist Church of Toccoa, and Donny was the final speaker. His text was Exodus 4:2, where God said to Moses:
“What is that in your hand?” And Moses said, “A staff.” Then God said, “Throw it on the ground.” So, Moses threw it on the ground, turning it into a serpent, and Moses fled. But God said to Moses, “Reach out with your hand and grasp it by its tail”—so Moses reached out with his hand and caught it, and it turned into a staff in his hand, and God said, “Now they will believe that the Lord, the God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you.”
Donny said, “Tonight, I have finished my race! I’ve fought a good fight, I’ve kept the faith, and I’ve kept my promise to share the gospel with someone every day until the Lord calls me home.
Tonight, the last thing I can do is to lay my life down for the Lord.” Donnie died the next day, August 16, 1972.
During those very trying months, as his physical energy gradually diminished, Donny began writing choruses for his ministry. One was how the JOY OF THE LORD had given him strength for each day. (I’m trying to find that chorus to introduce our new sermon series on Philippians: The Epistle of Joy.) Donny knew, as Paul knew, as did the Philippians know, that true joy comes only through humble faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ and in serving others. In other words, TRUE JOY is only available to those who will receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.
The Title of this first sermon is: “The Epistle of Joy: To the Glory and Praise of God.”