The Just Shall Live by Faith
“The Behavior Between Believers” part one
Romans 14:1-23
Wayne J. Edwards, Pastor
Paul repeated two words in his prison epistles that described the kind of Church God could use to reflect the true nature of Jesus Christ into a community.
- Unity – the unity of the faith – Ephesians 4:3ff
- Purity – the removal of sin – Matthew 18ff
- If the spiritual leaders do not deal with sin personally and privately, God will deal with it corporately.
- In Romans 1-ll, the Apostle Paul defined how all Christians are just sinners saved by God’s grace alone, through their faith alone, and in Christ alone.
- In Roman 12:1-2, Paul said the Christian’s reasonable response to God’s gift of grace is to:
- Lay our lives before the Lord as “living sacrifices” to the One who saved us from an eternity in hell.
- Not conform our lives to the systems of the world, but rather be transformed by the renewing of our minds through the persistent and consistent study of the Scriptures.
- In Romans 12:3ff, Paul gave a series of commands and exhortations regarding the purity within the Church body.

Inner circle – our relationship with God.
Second circle – our relationship with other believers
Third circle – our relationship with unbelievers
Outer circle – our relationship with the enemies of the cross
- In Romans 13, Paul said the believer is to submit to the governing authorities and to live exemplary lives before unbelievers so as to prove the power of the gospel.
- Romans 13:14: “Put on the Lord, Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lusts.”
- Romans 14:1-23 – Behavior Between Believers –
- When it comes to “getting along” within the family, Paul’s admonition is to: “pursue the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.” – vs 19
- Receive the weaker brother – vs 1-4
- Do not despise or condemn the weaker brother, for he does not have to answer to any other man, but to God.
- Stand firm in your own convictions – vs 5-9
- Do not violate your own conscience just to befriend the weaker brother.
- We all are under the watchful eye of Jesus Christ.
- We all belong to Jesus Christ, having been purchased by His death and His resurrection.
- Leave the judgement up to God – vs 10-12
- Everyone will be judged by Christ.
- Every knee will bow before Christ.
- Everyone shall give an account of himself to God.
- Judge our own behavior only – vs 13-21
- Walk in compassion, being careful not to offend those who are weak.
- Walk in love, being careful to accept the weaker brother where he is.
- Pursue peace with the weaker brother, and build one another up.
- Do nothing to cause the weaker brother to stumble or to discount the work of God in his life.
- Watch your own life before God – vs 22-23
- Be true to your own convictions.
- Be true to your own conscience.
- Make sure God approves your behavior.
“I will act so, in every respect, as I think I shall wish I had done,
if I should at last be damned.”
Johnathan Edwards