The Just Shall Live by Faith

“The Messenger and His Ministry” # 2 Romans 15:22-33

Date:March 19, 2025
Author: Wayne J. Edwards


Tonight at 6:00 PM, we will continue our study of Paul’s incredible letter to the Christians in Rome. In this sermon, we will examine Romans 15:22-33 under the heading: “The Messenger and His Ministry”  

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The Just Shall Live by Faith
“The Messenger and His Ministry” # 2
Romans 15:22-33

Qualities Of an Effective Minister as Illustrated in the Life of the Apostle Paul.

  • From Romans 15:14-21: Gracious, Bold, Faithful, He glorified only in the things that pertained to Christ. He never lost sight of his calling.
  • From Romans 15:22-33
    • He did a thorough work where he was.
    • Paul endured the problems.Paul completed his ministry assignment.
    • He had a world-wide vision.
    • Paul desired to reach the limits of what was then, the “known world.”
    • Paul desired to enlist the help of others to join him in that mission vision.
    • He had a heart of compassion for those who were suffering because of their faith.
    • Paul was burdened for the believers in Jerusalem and he encouraged the believers in Macedonia and Achaia to take up an offering to help them.
      • The Gentiles received the gospel from the Jews, now the Gentiles needed to help the Jews with physical needs.
    • He served in the gospel of Christ – not in a man-made organization.
    • He maintained that world-wide vision.
    • He had no other goal in life but to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    • He begged others to join him in prayer for what God had called him to do.
      • That he might be delivered from those who wanted to bring him harm.
      • That his ministry would be accepted by those whom the Lord had called.
      • That he would be able to fulfill his world-wide vision of ministry and missions.
      • That he would be refreshed by the testimonies of those who believed his message of Jesus Christ.
    • He set the example through intercessory prayer.
    • In Acts 21-27, Dr. Luke gives us the account of the last two years of Paul’s life.
      • In human terms, Paul was a failure!
      • In God’s eyes,Paul was a faithful servant of God, until God called him home.