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By Wayne J. Edwards, March 22, 2025

Dear Fellow Watchmen,

Elvis has left the building.

Several years ago, I was summoned to a home where a dear woman was dying of cancer. As I entered the door was greeted with a life-size cardboard cutout of Elvis Pressley, and a recording of his voice played – “Thank you very much!’ There were pictures of Elvis on every wall, letters with his signature, and one of his “Apachie Neckties” hanging over the door. As I entered her room – you guessed it, Elvis was singing those old gospel hymns.

This dear woman loved Elvis, but did Elvis even know her name? The whole house was filled with Elvis’ memorabilia and Elvis’ collectibles, including some souvenirs or mementos from an Elvis concert she must have attended,” but Elvis was not there.

 Christ has left the building.

Too many people who claim to be Christians are involved in what might be termed “Christian-ese.” They enjoy the benefits of being involved in the Christian way of life, “Christianese” music playing in the background, “Christianese” books and magazines to be read, maybe a “Christianese” Bible study with a few friends during the week, and then a massive “Christianese” celebration worship service on Sunday with the latest “Christianese” music and an inspiring “Christianese” sermon to encourage our “Christianese” lifestyle – with our favorite latte, of course.

A friend just returned from the mission field in a far eastern nation. One of the most disturbing things she saw was the denominational missionaries’ lack of genuineness. She said it was as though they were called to their “vision of missions” but not to missions.

Sadly, too many who claim to be Christians are attracted to their “vision of Christianity,” i.e., the trappings of “Christianese,” but not to Christ.

In Revelation 3:14-22, the Apostle John posted the letter Jesus had written to the church in Laodicea. The church was very wealthy and involved in many good works, but since they were “neither hot nor cold” about the significant spiritual issues, Jesus said such a church made Him sick to His stomach. However, in verse 20, Jesus issued this final call:

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they will be with me.”

Please forward these news articles and opinion pieces to those you think might be interested!

Pastor Wayne