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Inspiration—Obeying God’s Word              Scripture Reading—Nehemiah 8:1-18

Read: Nehemiah 8:1-18

  1. Verse 3 says all the people were attentive to the book of the Law.
  2. What happened when he opened the book? (verse 5b)
  3. What does verse 8 say about getting help when you need it?
  4. Who came back for insight? (vs 13)
  5. What did they discover they HAD NOT done (vs 14)
  6. What was their response to their discovery? (vs 15-18)


  1. When someone teaches or preaches God’s Word, are you very attentive to what they are saying?
  2. Are you proud of your Bible? Do you respect God’s Word?
  3. Do you dig for new insights into God’s Word or are you just satisfied with whatever someone tells you?
  4. When God reveals an area in your life where you need correction, how do you respond?


  1. If you haven’t been already, begin taking notes during the sermons.
  2. If you aren’t already, begin bringing your Bibles to Sunday School and to the worship services.
  3. Invest in some quality Bible Study helps.
  4. Pray! Thank God for His Word and for the truth that has been revealed to you this month!

“Care must be taken that we do not either make men too secure and confident in themselves or drive them by anxious doubting to despair.  Wherefore, since Paul says, (Gal. 2) that he was indeed conscious of no sin, but yet by this was not justified, man cannot believe that his sins are forgotten without a doubt of his own weakness or indisposition.  But although he ought not to boast in himself, he is not to be so terrified as to doubt the promises of God, and the efficacy of the death and resurrection of Christ, and despair of obtaining the forgiveness of sins and salvation.   All hope, and the assurance of all confidence, ought to be in the precious blood of Christ, which was shed because of us and our salvation.  In him alone we both can with certainty, and we ought, to breathe and confide, having the confirmation of the Holy Spirit, who bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.”
[John Calvin and Hendry Beveridge, Tracts Relating to the Reformation, Volume 3 (Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2009), 201-02]

I invite you back tomorrow for DAY TWENTY-FIVE of “REDISCOVERING YOUR FIRST LOVE!”