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Thursday, December 16

Mary: The Woman of Obedience”  Read Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 1:26-55  The fifth woman listed in Matthew’s genealogy is Mary, the woman of obedience, whose actions revealed to us that no task is too great for God’s grace. Mary could have been as young as 12-years old when the Holy Spirit “graced” her to be the…….Read More

Wednesday, December 15

Wednesday, December 15 – David – The Deceiver – 2 Samuel 11:3-17 Because of his unbridled passion, David disregarded the clear warnings of his servants and had relations with Bathsheba, and the union resulted in an unwanted pregnancy. The pregnancy created a present and future problem. David and Bathsheba tried to cover their sin by:…….Read More

Tuesday, December 14

“Bathsheba: A Woman of Grace” Read Matthew 1:1-17, 1 Samuel 11-12 – Contrary to many commentaries, Bathsheba was not doing anything out of the ordinary custom of her day and culture. Bathsheba was taking a ritual bath at her well and fountain in her home, where she had the expectation of privacy. Being a woman,…….Read More

Monday, December 13

The Conception of Obed – Boaz and Ruth gave birth to a son named Obed, who not only carried the seed-line of his father, but the seed-line through which King David would descend, and through which the King of Kings would descend.  The person and actions of Boaz picture the Person and Work of Jesus…….Read More

Sunday, December 12 – The Third Sunday of Advent Readings

Joy On this third Sunday of Advent, we focus our attention on The Shepherd’s Candle, The Candle of JOY, and we re-light The Candle of Hope and the Candle of Peace. (LIGHT TWO PURPLE CANDLES AND THE PINK CANDLE)  According to Luke 2:10-11, on the night Jesus was born: “The Angel said unto them, Fear…….Read More

Saturday, December 11

“Ruth: A Woman of Love”  Read Matthew 1:1-17, Ruth 4:1-22 Most likely, Ruth was written by Samuel. Ruth is one of only two Old Testament books that received their name from the women, about which they are written – the other book being Esther. The name, “Ruth” which means friendship, is not mentioned outside her…….Read More

Friday, December 10

The Picture of Rahab’s Faith – Before the two spies left Rahab’s house, they told her to mark her house by hanging a scarlet cord out of her window and to gather all of her family members into her house. The word “cord” refers to a “rope” – many cords of flax woven together into…….Read More

Thursday, December 9

The Promotion of Rahab’s Fame – By every human measure, Rahab’s name should have been forgotten forever. But, by God’s grace, Rahab became one of God’s heroines and was included among the harlots who now reside in the Father’s house in heaven.  After the destruction of Jericho, Rahab integrated with the Israelites and married a…….Read More

Wednesday, December 8

The Problem with Rahab’s Future – Spiritually, Rahab was no different than the other citizens of Jericho. She was not only a participant in the pagan culture; as a prostitute, she was a contributor to it. Rather than being raised in the Jewish heritage, under such spiritual leaders as Moses and Joshua, Rahab was raised…….Read More

Tuesday, December 7

The sixth chapter of Joshua covers the battle of Jericho. The city of Jericho was enclosed by an earthen rampart with a 12-15’ high retaining wall at its base, a 6’thick, 26’ high mud-brick wall at the bottom of the rampart, and a 6’ thick, 45’ high mud-brick wall at the top. As the Israelites…….Read More