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Friday, the 8th of Nisan

Our journey begins on Friday, the 8th of Nisan –6 days before the annual observance of Passover. Jesus came from Galilee to Bethany and stayed at the home of Simon the Leper, and his children, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, who were more like brothers and sisters to Jesus than some of His own family. Lazarus…….Read More

Timing is Everything!

Let’s begin our journey with Jesus as He comes into the city of Jerusalem for the last time. We will walk with Him until we are standing at the foot of the cross with John and Mary, Jesus’ mother, kneeling before the Lamb of God, whose sacrificial death paid the eternal penalty for our sins……..Read More

Jonah–a “type” of Christ

In Matthew 12:38, the Scribes and Pharisees came to Jesus, indicating they were willing to believe He was the Messiah if He would give them a sufficient sign. In Matthew 12:40, Jesus said, the only sign He would give to them was that of the prophet Jonah: “For as Jonah was three days and three…….Read More

Religion, Commercialism and the Truth

The Bible refers to “Ishtar” as the goddess of Astarte or Ashtoreth – the false goddess of fertility that was worshipped by the pagans in Mesopotamia and Syria. Most of the Easter symbols had their origin in the pagan spring festivals held in Europe, where “Pantheism” or the worship of “nature” still exists. The “rabbit”…….Read More


Knowing the exact day and date of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection is not essential to one’s eternal salvation. If it were, the Scriptures would have made it abundantly clear. In Romans 10:9-10, the Apostle Paul codified the essential elements of one’s personal profession of faith in Christ as: A verbal confession of Jesus as Lord…….Read More