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DAY THIRTY—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

Inspiration—Hath Thou Wrought a Miracle? On a sheet of paper, personalize the following verses by inserting your name or “I” or “me” where appropriate.  Read Psalm 34:1-3 as an example: Psalm 48:1 Psalm 116:12 Philippians 4:6 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Psalm 100 Psalm 136 Psalm 146:1-2 Deuteronomy 26:18-19 Isaiah 43:18-21 Romans 14:5-6 1 Corinthians 10:30-31 Ephesians…….Read More

DAY TWENTY-NINE—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

Inspiration—Hath Thou Wrought a Miracle? Answer each question honestly and truthfully before the Lord. Read Mark 12:30—Is there anything or anyone you love more than God? Yes—if yes, identify who or what it is? No Read Psalm 42:1—Do you long for a time of deeper fellowship with God? Yes No Read John 15:10—Are you ready to…….Read More

DAY TWENTY-EIGHT—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

Inspiration—Other Safeguards         Scripture Reading—1 John 4:1-6 In 1 John 4:1, the Apostle said we should: “believe not every spirit” “but test the spirits whether they are of God.” How can we know the difference between a true and a false spirit? (vs. 2) Where, when, and how did we OVERCOME these false spirits? (vs. 4)…….Read More

DAY TWENTY-SEVEN—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

Inspiration—God’s Armor                       Scripture Reading—Ephesians 6:10-20 Paul says, if we want to be strong in the Lord, and be able to stand in His power: Verse 11—we must “put on the whole armor of God” Verse 14—we must “Stand therefore” What are we to stand against?…….Read More

DAY TWENTY-SIX—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

Inspiration—Being Filled with the Holy Spirit        Scripture Reading—Acts 2:1-47 The disciple Peter backslid from Christ and even denied knowing Him! But there came that time when Peter remembered what he had done, repented of his sins, and he returned to finish his calling. But, what…or perhaps a better question would be Who caused Peter to…….Read More

DAY TWENTY-FIVE—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

Inspiration—Confession with sacrifice                 Scripture Reading—Ezra 10:1-9 Describe Ezra’s confession. What was the people’s confession to Ezra? (Vs 2) What evidence reveals they didn’t give up? (Vs 2-3) What were the two words of encouragement that Ezra gave them? (Vs 4) How did the people respond? (Vs 9) What were…….Read More

DAY TWENTY-FOUR—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

Inspiration—Obeying God’s Word              Scripture Reading—Nehemiah 8:1-18 Read: Nehemiah 8:1-18 Verse 3 says all the people were attentive to the book of the Law. What happened when he opened the book? (verse 5b) What does verse 8 say about getting help when you need it? Who came back for insight? (vs 13) What did they…….Read More

DAY TWENTY-THREE—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

Inspiration—Rediscover God’s Word          Scripture Reading—2 Kings 22:1-23:4 What did King Josiah do after he heard the words of the book? (verse 11) Wat was his fear? (verse 13) Who did they consult? (verse 13) Why was God going to bring evil? (verse 17) Why was the evil wrath delayed? (verse 19) What did the King…….Read More