Read Matthew 2:11 Undoubtedly, the wise men were astounded to see this new-born King in such humble surroundings. No doubt they had expected Him to be the Son of royalty, perhaps a reigning monarch with all the splendor and wealth He would deserve. But even though they found Him in a common home with common…….Read More
Read Matthew 2:9-10 Because we have heard the story so many times, and because we learned a lot of our Christology from the commercial Christmas Carols, we have overlooked some very important details. After the wise men received their instructions from King Herod, the Bible says, “and lo, the star, which they saw in the…….Read More
The Lighting of the Shepherd Candle – (pink) the candle of Joy – Luke 2:7-15 As we re-light the first two purple candles, we remember Advent is a word that means “coming” or “visit.” We are preparing for the Advent at Christmas, walking through those historical steps, and taking time to understand and cherish every…….Read More
Read Matthew 2:8 King Herod Augustus, or as he preferred to be called Herod the Great, was appointed King of Judea by the Roman government. This was an insult to the Jews because Herod was not a Jew, and regardless of what he did to mediate between the Jews and the Romans, including rebuilding the…….Read More
Read Matthew 2:6 In Micah 5:2, the prophet wrote: “And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.” The chief priests and scribes knew Micah referred to the birth of the Messiah,…….Read More
Read Matthew 2:4-6 King Herod, or Herod the Great, as he liked to be called, was a cruel, power-hungry ruler who destroyed anyone he feared was trying to topple him from his throne. He even killed several members of his own family because he thought they were plotting against him. When the wise men came…….Read More
Read Matthew 2:3 Because three gifts were given, we have assumed there were three wise men. The Book of Tradition says there were three: Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar. But, since the Bible does not confirm that, we can only conclude the number of the wise men did not matter. It is also a common misconception…….Read More
Read Matthew 2:1-2 I hope you are beginning to get the picture that nothing about the birth of Jesus was “normal!” The way He was conceived, the place He was born, the announcement by the angels, and the visit of the shepherds on the night of His birth, were “supernatural” events, and the fact that…….Read More
Read Matthew 1:24-25 As we begin our personal studies this week, let’s review the four main things Matthew wants his readers to know about the birth of the Son of God. 18 – “Mary was found with child of the Holy Ghost.” Vs. 20 – “That which is conceived in her is of the Holy…….Read More
The Lighting of The Bethlehem Candle – (purple) the candle of peace – Luke 3:4-6 As we re-light the first purple candle, we remember the meaning of the word “advent” is “coming” or “visit”! We are preparing for the Advent of Christ at Christmas; walking through those historical steps, and taking our time so we…….Read More