The Age of The Apocalypse
The King of The Ages
Revelation 1:4-20
Our vision of the world today is not that much different than the vision of those of previous centuries.
- Scandals have always been a part of the lives of those in positions of political and religious leadership.
- Wars and rumors of wars have always been a part of the ebb and flow of life as dictators and rulers try to flaunt their power over others, with some of them so strong and so powerful they were considered to be the Anti-Christ.
- Evil activity and lawlessness have always permeated society to the extent that every generation has wondered if it would survive or how long God would tolerate such behavior before He released His judgment.
- Religion has always been at odds with true Christianity.
- Persecution has been a part of the life of the believers in every generation, so much so that it seemed like the devil would destroy them all.
- However, we are witnessing the increase in the intensity of such behavior leading up to the end of the age.
But that is not the message of the Book of Revelation. The greatest promise of the Bible is that the great conflict of the ages between good and evil, God and the Devil, will be resolved when the King of the Ages returns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords and rules the world with truth and grace.
The Course of the Ages – Revelation 1:4-6 – “John to the seven churches which are in Asia, from Him which is, and which was, and which is to come.”
John’s message from the Lord was to be delivered to the seven churches of Asia.
- These seven specific churches formed a semi-circle around the coast and into the interior of Asia.

- Jesus said the spiritual characteristics of the seven churches represented the “CHURCH” of the ages.
- We live in the last “church age,” which means the universal church today is like the church of Laodicea in that it is “lukewarm,” which makes the Lord sick.
John’s message from the Lord to the churches was contained in two words – “Grace and Peace.”
- No matter how difficult it gets for us in this life, God will give us the “grace” we need to get us through it, and He will give us His “peace” while we are going through it.
John’s message was from the Triune God – Vs. 4 — “From Him which is, and which was, and which is to come.”
- John referred to the Eternal God – the “I Am that I Am” of Exodus 3:14 – the “Self-Existent” God.
- John referred to the “seven Spirits which are before the throne” – the fullness of the Godhead.
John’s message was from God the Son – Vs. 5 – “And from Jesus Christ.”
- “The Faithful Witness.” – Jesus was faithful to His mission, even unto His death, even the death of the cross.
- “The firstborn from the dead.” – Jesus was the first to conquer the effects of death – when He died, He passed from the temporal to the eternal.
- “The ruler over the kings of the earth.” – Jesus has the power to rule and reign upon the earth as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
- “To Him who loved us.” – that should read “loveth” us, for God’s love is always present with us.
- “And washed us from our sins in His own blood.” – Jesus was the Lamb of God whose shed blood covered our sins.
- God the Son was the person through which God the Holy Spirit carried out God the Father’s plan for our salvation.
Notice the results of our salvation – Vs. 6
- “And has made us kings and priests to His God and Father,” – As kings, we will reign with Him, and as priests, we will serve with Him.
So, what should be our response to such blessings of grace and peace? – Vs. 6
- “To Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” – Glory means to give Him praise, and dominion means to yield to His authority.
The Character of the Ages — Vs. 9-20 – Vs. 17 – “Fear not: I am the first and the last.”
Three characteristics of the age of the Apocalypse:
- It will be an age of witnessing – Vs. 9 – Jesus called us to be His witnesses in this world until He removes us from it.
- It will be an age of worship – Vs. 10-18 – Jesus called us to meet with Him on Sunday, the first day of the week.
- It will be an age of waiting – Vs. 19-20 – The times and seasons are known ONLY to God the Father.
The King of the Ages — vs 7-8 – “Behold He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so! Amen!”
The great theme of Revelation is the coming of Jesus Christ and the judgment He will bring upon the earth when He returns. When He comes, three things will happen:
- Every eye shall see Him – the glory of the Lord will be even brighter than our “sun,” and therefore, the reflection of His glory will be visible around the world.
- Those who rejected Him will mourn – all those who, for whatever reason, failed to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord will cry out in anguish.
- Those who received Him as their Savior and Lord will rejoice, for we will rule and reign with Him on this earth for 1,000 years, and then in the New Heaven and New Earth forever, world without end. Amen!