Old Testament: Psalm 118:1-29
New Testament: Mark 12:1-12
A Living Hope – Preparing for Persecution
“Blessed to Be a Blessing”
1 Peter 2:4-10
Wayne J. Edwards, Pastor
The Apostle Peter used four “Old Testament Concepts” to illustrate “New Testament Precepts.”
- God chose the nation of Israel to serve as a “holy nation” in an unholy world, to be a “kingdom of priests” among the ungodly of the world, to reveal “His holiness” to an unholy world, and to be “the human channel” through which the Divine Redeemer of the world would come.
- The nation of Israel forfeited parts of that privilege because of their apostasy and wickedness – they even killed the “Prince of Life, whom God raised from the dead.”
- However, midway of the Great Tribulation, the veil of their spiritual ignorance will be lifted, and those Jews who are alive will “look upon the One whom they pierced” and they will recognize Jesus as the Messiah they longed for.
Peter wanted his readers to know that:
- God was calling a “new people for Himself” – not only Jews but people of every tongue, every tribe, and every nation on earth – to be that “holy nation” – that “kingdom of priests” – “to be God’s chosen people” – through whom His plan and His purpose for lost man’s redemption could be communicated and demonstrated.
- God had called them to come out of the world – yet to live in the world – but not be of the world – to go into the world – but to overcome the world – and to reveal the power of the One who had called them out of the world!
About 64 AD – these new Christians were suffering severe persecution from Roman Emperor Nero.
- They had left Rome and scattered from city to city to avoid persecution and to save their lives.
- But rather than empathizing with their suffering, Peter challenged them to remain true to their faith.
- Rather than focus on the persecution they were enduring at the hands of others, they should focus on the salvation that had been given to them by the grace of God.
1. Jesus Christ – the Living Stone – 1 Peter 2:4 – “To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious!”
In Psalm 118:22 and Isaiah 28:14-16, God prophesied His plan to provide a Redeemer to whom lost man could come and find eternal salvation:
- “Behold, I lay in Zion (Jerusalem) for a foundation, a stone; a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation; he that believeth shall not make haste!”
- When Peter confessed Jesus as “the Christ; the Son of the Living God” (the Messiah), Jesus said He was that “stone” that God had promised to lay in Zion, and upon this “rock” He would build His church.
- In 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, the Apostle Paul identified Jesus Christ as the “foundation stone” of salvation.
- In Matthew 21:44, Jesus said those who “fall on this stone shall be broken, but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind to powder!”
- Those who come to Christ in true confession and repentance are “broken” of their pride and forgiven of their sins.
- Those who refuse to come to Christ in full confession will find Jesus to be a “stumbling block” to their entrance into heaven.
Peter said this Jesus, to whom they had come for salvation, was not just another religious leader – but rather He was:
- A Providential Stone – Vs. 6 – chosen by God to be the only Savior of the world.
- A Proven Stone – Vs. 6 – those who had put their faith in Him had not been disappointed.
- A Precious Corner Stone – Vs. 4 and 6 – sent to give foundation and direction to those who will trust Him.
- A Preeminent Stone – Vs. 4 and 5 – not just another world or religious leader – but the very Cornerstone of the Christian Faith.
- A Powerful Stone – Vs. 7 – every person on earth will stand before God and face His judgment for their sin.
- Those who come to Jesus by faith will have Him standing with them before the Father as their advocate – having redeemed them with His blood.
- Those who refuse to come to Jesus by faith will find Him as their judge, for all authority in heaven and on earth has been given unto Him.


The Judgment Seat of Christ
The Great White Throne Judgment
2. Believers – the Living Stones – 1 Peter 2:5-9 – “Ye, also, as lively stones, are built up, a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God, by Jesus Christ!”
Peter said those who “come to Christ” are:
- “A Chosen Generation” – chosen of God to become a part of His Kingdom.
- “A Royal Priesthood” – with unlimited access unto God, to intercede before Him on behalf of others.
- “A Holy Nation” – to live out the holiness that was given to them when they were born again.
- “A Peculiar People” – those who belong only to God.
Peter said God had called them to: “show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light!” (Vs. 9) – to be “living examples” of His power to deliver us from evil.
3. Unbelievers – Hearts of Stone – 1 Peter 2:7-8 – “But unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made, (Vs. 8) a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, whereunto also they were appointed!”
True believers know what God has done for them through Jesus Christ. They recognize Him as their Savior and Lord, and they give Him the glory due His Holy Name!
- The unbeliever finds reasons to disqualify Jesus as the Savior because they do not want to surrender unto Him as their Lord.
- Rather than hearing the preaching of the Word of God and heeding His call to be saved, the unbeliever views such preaching as a “rock of offense” and a “stone of stumbling”, because it is contrary to their concept of life.
- It is not that they “can’t” believe – they just won’t!