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The Just Shall Live by Faith

"God’s Provision for Our Salvation” – Grace Romans 4:9-17

Date:October 20, 2024
Author: Wayne J. Edwards


In Romans 3:20, the Apostle Paul refuted what the Israelites had been taught for thousands of years. He said, “Therefore, by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in His [God’s] sight. The Jews thought God chose Abraham because of his character, good works, and obedience to the law. Paul said, “Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.” (Romans 4:3)

Beloved, there is not one thing we can do to gain acceptance with God – i.e., we cannot come to God on our terms. As Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”

Spurgeon said: “Because God is gracious, sinful men are forgiven, converted, purified, and saved. It is not because of anything in them, or that ever can be in them, that they are saved, but because of the boundless love, goodness, pity, compassion, mercy, and grace of God.”

This Sunday at 6:00 PM, we will continue our in-depth study of Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome. In this sermon, we will examine Romans 4:9-17 under the heading “God’s Provision for Our Salvation,” which explores the divine plan and actions that lead to our redemption.  

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Heritage Baptist Church Sermon

The Just Shall Live by Faith
“God’s Provision for Our Salvation” – Grace
Romans 4:9-17

1. Abraham was NOT justified by Circumcision – Vs. 9-12

  • Abraham was counted righteous when he believed in God – Gal. 3:6.
  • Abraham was counted righteous before the ritual of circumcision was instituted – Gen. 15:1-6, Gen 17:9ff.
  • Abraham was circumcised as outward evidence of his inward obedience to God – Vs. 11.
  • Abraham’s rite of circumcision (cutting away of the flesh) is equal to baptism in the life of true believer.
  • Baptism by immersion should be the first step of faith in the life of a new believer – Col. 2:12, Acts 2:38.
  • As the first man to be justified by grace through faith, Abraham became the father of all believers – Vs. 12 – he is the pattern, the picture, the example, and the standard – the father of all believers.

2. Abraham was NOT justified by the Law – Vs. 13-14

  • The promise God made to Abraham was not based upon his ability to keep the law, which had not been established, but by his faith.
  • The promise God made to Abraham involved:
    • A LAND – Gen. 15:18-21
    • A PEOPLE – Gen 13:16, 15:5
    • A BLESSING – Gen. 12:3
    • A REDEEMER – Gen. 22:8
  • The promise God made to Abraham would be handed down – not by human descent – i.e., to his bloodline only – but by spiritual descent – i.e., to those who followed his example of faith.
  • When ANY person believes God’s promise of salvation through their faith in Jesus Christ, that act of faith is reckoned unto them as Christ’s own righteousness.

3.  Abraham WAS justified by God’s Grace – Vs. 16-17 – “Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace.”

  • Faith makes the promise available to everyone.
  • Grace makes the promise accessible to everyone.
  • GODS – salvation is all of God.
  • RIGHTEOUSNESS – that which makes us acceptable.
  • AT – salvation is through Christ.
  • CHRIST’S – by His stripes we are healed.
  • EXPENSE – even the death of the cross.