“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”
Psalm 11:3
“Is America in Biblical Prophecy?”
Daniel 12:1-13
Wayne J. Edwards, Pastor
“The foundation of our nation is being intentionally destroyed by those who want to redefine America from its original purpose. They are using the freedoms granted to them by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights to destroy the biblical foundation of America. By doing so, they think they can thwart God’s plan that allowed America to be established and grow to become the most blessed nation on earth! Today, we see at least a partial fulfillment of Joseph Stalin’s dream for a socialist America – “that which in the best interest of society as a whole is more important than individual freedom!” However, we must remember that individual freedom is the cornerstone of the American identity, and any attempt to undermine it is a direct attack on our nation’s values.” – PW
“America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.” –Alexis de Tocqueville.
Questions to consider:
- Is America in the long-term process of becoming a model of democracy and we are at a point of recalculation?
- Is America under the judgment of God for its rejection of His Word, and we are about to be severely disciplined?
- Has America fulfilled its purpose and its imminent demise is the next step in God’s unfolding drama of our redemption?
Realities to face:
- According to Biblical prophecy, while people will still live in the United States during the time of the Tribulation, America will be just another godless nation.
- The Bible teaches there are two future comings of the Lord, Jesus Christ:
- Jesus comes FOR the Saints – John 14 – this is called the Rapture.
- Jesus comes WITH the Saints – Revelation 19:11 – to establish His kingdom upon the earth!

- Four of the five Gentile kingdoms have come and gone. We are living in the divided kingdom today, awaiting the arrival of the Antichrist who will rule in the last Gentile Kingdom.
- “And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.” 2 Thessalonians 2:8
Daniel’s Vision of the End Times
Daniel 12:1-4
1. The Tribulation – Daniel 12:1 –
- God began His plan of redemption with the Jews, but He used their rejection of Christ to open the door of salvation to the Gentiles.
- For 2000 years, the gospel has been preached to every people of every tongue and race in the known world.
- Soon, the “time of the Gentiles” will end, and God’s focus will return to the Jews, beginning with the Great Tribulation – suffering such as the world has never seen – on average, 2 ½ million people dying daily for 42 months.
2. The Triumph – Daniel 12:1-2 –
- As a nation, Israel has been “sleeping” in the other nations of the world.
- Just before the Tribulation begins, there will be a national restoration of the Jews to the land of Israel – that happened in 1948!
- Midway through the Great Tribulation, God will lift the scales from their eyes, and millions of Jews will be spiritually reborn. Others who died in faith, believing, will be raised to new life!
3. The Truth – Daniel 12:4 –
- Those whose eyes have been opened to the truth of God’s Word will search His Word – “to and fro” – trying to gain some wisdom and understanding of what is happening in the world, especially in the nation of Israel.
- A diligent “searching” of God’s Word is the essential evidence of being “born again” by the Holy Spirit!
- Six events that signal the end of the “church age” and the imminence of the rapture:
- The return of the Jews to Israel – 1948.
- The worldwide proclamation of the gospel.
- The apostasy of the Church.
- Increased lawlessness.
- The emergence of a New World Order.
- The increased persecution of those who believe that faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved.
“We are on the verge of a global transformation.
All we need is the right major crisis
and the nations will accept the New World Order!” –
David Rockefeller – September, 1994
That major crisis could be the rapture of the Church!
- The population of America is about 300 million people, and about 70% of them claim to be Christians.
- If only 10% of Americans were true, born-again Christians, that would be more than 21 million people instantly removed from America. What would happen if 10% of the 7.8 billion people in the world were instantly removed from the earth?
- While every citizen is vital to the stability our nation, at the Rapture, only Christians will be taken. What will happen when those who support and uphold the fundamental Judea-Christian values are removed from society?
Three developments that will allow the Antichrist to establish the New World Order:
- The demand for a Global Government – United Nations
- The demand for a Global Currency – Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin
- The demand for a Global Religion – The Faith Foundation – World Council of Churches, etc.
The question is not what will happen to America after the Rapture, but what is going to happen to you after today!
- Time – regardless of how long it is – is temporal; eternity is forever!
- America – regardless of how long it lasts – is temporal; Almighty God abides forever!
- Four of the five Gentile Kingdoms have come and gone.
- The final Gentile Kingdom will be of the Antichrist!
- I urge you to repent TODAY – for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
- “If anyone has ears to hear what the Spirit is saying, let him hear.” Mark 4:23