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The Just Shall Live by Faith

"Paul's Hall of Fame" Romans 16:1-27

Date:March 23, 2025
Author: Wayne J. Edwards


Sunday evening at 6:00 PM, we will conclude our study of Paul’s incredible letter to the Christians in Rome. In this sermon, we will examine Romans 16:1-27 under the heading: “Paul’s Hall of Fame.”

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The Just Shall Live by Faith
“Paul’s Hall of Fame”
Romans 16:1-27

The hallmark of an effective church is its ability to maintain unity in the midst of diversity and adversity.

  • The marks of diversity in the church at Rome included their:
    • Different Status–they were from all levels of society.
    • Different Race–they were from all cultural backgrounds.
  • the marks of unity in the church at Rome included:
    • “In Christ,” used four times.
    • “In the Lord,” used five times.
    • “Fellow worker,” “Fellow sufferer,” and “Beloved,” used several times.
      • Beloved means: “Loved with Agape love.”
  • What drew them together as a church family was what they believed about Jesus, and that  is called doctrine.
  • What a Christian believes about the doctrines of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Church, and the Bible, is called theology.
  • Jude referred to it as “the faith,” that body of truth that was once and for all delivered to the saints.
  • In the book of Romans alone, Paul explained:
    • God’s plan for man’s redemption–i.e., salvation by grace alone, through man’s faith alone, and in Christ alone, plus nothing!
    • God’s purpose for the Church–how it is to operate, the gifts of the Holy Spirit that have been given to every believer to carry out those functions.
    • God’s call upon every believer–to see that the gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed in every area of the world.
  • In Romans 16, the Apostle Paul showed us how to build up the Body of Christ by being united in our faith in Christ.
    • Receive those who are greatly used of God–as illustrated in the life and ministry of Phebe–vs 1-2.
    • Great those who show hospitality–as illustrated in the ministry of Priscilla and Aquilla–vs 3-4.
    • Salute those who are new converts–as illustrated by Epenetus–vs 5.
    • Greet those whose labor greatly assists those in leadership–as illustrated by Mary, Urbane, Tryphena, Tryphosa, and Persis–vs 6, 9, 12.
    • Salute those who are willing to suffer for the sake of the gospel–as illustrated by Andonicus and Junia and Apelles–vs 7, 10.
    • Recognize those who are beloved in the Lord–as illustrated by Amplias, Stachys, Persis, Rufus and his mother–vs 8, 9, 12, 13.
    • Welcome those who are not in the same social status as others–as illustrated by the household of Aristobulus, and the household of Narcissus–vs 10,11.
    • Receive those who are faithful in their attendance–as illustrated in the unknown servants–vs 14-16.
    • Greet those who are relatives of those who are serving the Lord–as illustrated by Herodion–vs 11.
    • Greet on another with a holy kiss–which is a kiss on both cheeks.
    • Note those who cause divisions and avoid them–vs 17.
  • The word doctrine (didaskalia) is translated as the “act of teaching”–1 Timothy 4:6-8.
    • Genesis to Malachi–Christ was concealed yet there is the promise of a Messiah to come Who will provide salvation for lost man.
    • Matthew to Revelation–Christ is revealed as the Savior sent from God to save us from our sins.
    • Should anyone enter the church with any other doctrine, they should be “accursed”–to be banished from the fellowship and cast into the hands of Satan for destruction.
    • Value what is good–(that which has been helpful to you in building your faith)

Paul said:

  • Because you have been obedient to what you have been taught up to now.
  • Because you have continued to be wise unto that which is good–yet sensitive to that which is evil.
  • God is going to give you victory over Satan very soon.


According to 2 Timothy 4:1-5,
the most desperate need
in the church today is
sound doctrine!