The Just Shall Live by Faith
“The Messenger and the Message”
Romans 15:14-21
In his book Spiritual Leadership, Henry Blackaby defined true, biblical leadership as that super-natural ability God gives to a person to motivate God’s people onto God’s agenda.
- Spiritual Leadership has nothing to do with vision casting or goal setting or extrinsically motivating people to “get involved” in a movement.
- God has already cast the vision for man’s redemption in John 3:16.
- God has already made the pathway possible through the death of His only begotten Son.
- God has already established the method by which His plan for man’s redemption will be accomplished, and He promised to provide for the needs of those He calls into His service as evidence of His power to provide salvation to those who will believe in Him.
- Therefore, the greatest joy anyone could ever experience would be to be called of God to join with Him in His mission to redeem lost man from his sins.
Qualities Of an Effective Minister
as Illustrated in the Life of the Apostle Paul
He was GRACIOUS in dealing with the people.
- Vs 14–he called them BROTHERS.
- Vs 14–he BRAGGED on the brethren.
He was BOLD in reminding the people of their calling.
- Vs 15–of the great TRUTHS of the gospel.
He was FAITHFUL to the call of God to minister.
The purpose of the minister is to bring his hearers to the point where they will offer THEMSELVES as a living sacrifice unto God. (John 15:16)
He gloried ONLY in the things that pertained to CHRIST.
- Never about HIMSELF but about the One who CALLED him–Jesus Christ.
- Never about his MINISTRY but about the OBEDIENCE of his converts.
- Never about his ABILITIES or skills, but about the POWER of the Holy Spirit.
- Never about his POSITION as the missionary to the Gentiles, but about the PRIVILEGE of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.
He never lost sight of his CALLING.
- To work in areas where the GOSPEL of Christ had never been heard.
- To reach those people who HAD NEVER heard of the gospel of Jesus Christ.