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Read John 3:16-17

As we re-light the two purple candles and the pink candle, we remember the meaning of Advent is coming” or “visit”!

We are preparing for the Advent of Christ at Christmas; walking through those historical steps, and taking our time so we can understand and cherish every memory of them.

  • We remember Israel’s hope for the coming of God’s Messiah to save, to forgive, and to restore.
  • We remember our own need for a Savior to save us from our sins and to restore our broken relationship with God.
  • We are reminded of our hope for the second coming of Christ, and to prepare our hearts for His soon return.

By lighting one candle each week, we remember the birth of Christ event by event. For the last three weeks, we have focused on the prophecies regarding His coming, and how many of those prophecies were fulfilled in His birth, His life, His death, and His resurrection.

We have also seen how the rest of those prophecies will be fulfilled when He returns. Seeing how God kept His promises to Israel encourages us to believe God will keep His promises to us.

Today we focus on the coming of Christ – the

evidence of God’s love. As we light the Angel’s Candle and read the Holy Scriptures, may our joy over our Lord’s first coming overflow in our hearts, and may our anticipation for Christ’s second coming be renewed.

  • Read Psalm 89:1-4, 19-37, 46-52
  • Read Isaiah 9:1-7
  • Read Luke 1:26-38

We light this candle because, like God’s people centuries ago, we need a Savior who will forgive our sins. The purple color reminds us of how serious we are in looking forward to the son’s birth.

Prayer of Hope

Dear God, as we light this candle, we look ahead with hope to the birth of Your Son — the Son of David, the Son of Mary. May we be prepared to welcome Him with open arms and open hearts. O come now, Son of David! Amen!