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Monday, December 6

The Canaanites descended from Noah’s grandson, Ham. The Canaanites were the most vile, wicked, and idolatrous people on earth in that day – large in physical stature, brutal in battle, and heartless in their treatment of the captors, but they feared the God of Israel. Several days before the Israelites were to cross the Jordan…….Read More

Sunday, December 5 – The second Sunday of Advent Readings

Peace On this second Sunday of Advent, we relight The Hope Candle and light The Bethlehem Candle, The Candle of PEACE. (LIGHT TWO PURPLE CANDLES)  The prophet Isaiah said: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be…….Read More

Saturday, December 4

 The Preparation of Rahab’s Faith – The news of how the God of Israel had miraculously delivered the Israelites from Egyptian slavery has spread across the land. That news frightened the Canaanites because they knew Israel’s God had promised the land they were living on to Abraham and his descendants forever. According to Genesis 10…….Read More

Friday, December 3

“Rahab: A Woman of Faith” Read: Matthew 1:1-17, Joshua 2:1-14 Because of her profession, Rahab, a Canaanite woman, was always identified as a harlot. Because of her expressed faith in a forgiving and merciful God, Rahab became a heroine to her family, the first Gentile to be welcomed into God’s family, and one of the…….Read More

Thursday, December 2

Jesus’ Family – Genesis 38:27-30 Tamar gave birth to two sons: Zarah – which meant “rising one” – the one Tamar thought would be the firstborn. Perez – which meant “one who breaks through” – the one God chose to be the seed-son of the Savior. Genesis 38 stands as a most blessed display of…….Read More

Wednesday, December 1

Judah’s Folly – Genesis 38:20-26 When Judah discovered Tamar was pregnant, he quickly accused her of harlotry and demanded her to be brought forth and burned. However, as Tamar was being brought out to be burned, Judah received a letter from her, telling him the man to whom these three things belonged was the father…….Read More

Tuesday, November 30

Judah’s Fornication – Genesis 38:12-19 Since Tamar was not allowed to marry outside Judah’s family, and Judah would not allow Shelah to marry her, Tamar deceived Judah into having sexual relations with her, and she conceived with twin sons. Tamar presented herself to Judah as a prostitute and demanded a “pledge” be given to her…….Read More

Monday, November 29

Tamar: The Seeker of Justice Read: Matthew 1:1-17, Genesis 38:1-30 Tamar was the daughter-in-law of Judah, the son of Jacob, and the grandson of Abraham. Tamar deceived Judah into having sexual relations with her and became pregnant with two sons, one of whom became the seed-son of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Judah’s failure – Genesis…….Read More

Sunday, November 28 – The First Sunday of Advent Readings

Hope To help us celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ, we will be lighting the candles of the Advent Wreath. These candles signify that Jesus is the Light of the World. The evergreens remind us that He is life and brings life to us. All these being arranged in a circle reminds us that our…….Read More