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Judah’s Folly – Genesis 38:20-26

  • When Judah discovered Tamar was pregnant, he quickly accused her of harlotry and demanded her to be brought forth and burned.
  • However, as Tamar was being brought out to be burned, Judah received a letter from her, telling him the man to whom these three things belonged was the father of her child, and she produced Judah’s ring, cord and, staff.
  • When Judah discovered he was the source of Tamar’s pregnancy, he declared: “She is more righteous than I, in as much as I did not give her my son, Shelah!”38:26
  • This event changed Judah’s heart toward Tamar, his two new sons, his father, his family, and his God – Judah took the initiative in restoring the broken relationships.
  • While none of this was in God’s perfect will for Judah or Tamar, obviously, it was within His permissive will, which is why He used it for His purposes.
  • God took an immoral event that Satan meant for evil, and He used it to display His Amazing grace.