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Explaining Sufficiency of Holy Scripture

Years ago, in a pastor’s conference, I was asked to explain the sufficiency of Holy Scripture, and my answer was: “The Scriptures are self-interpreted; i.e., we don’t have to go outside of the Scriptures to get our interpretations.” When the Holy Spirit inspired the 40 different authors to write the 66 books of the Bible,…….Read More

Post-Resurrection Sitings of Jesus

Now, as Paul said, over the 40-days after His resurrection, Jesus was seen by many people, including 500 at one time. The angel sitting on the rock at the tomb told the women to go tell the disciples what they had seen and what they had been told, and they did. Mary Magdalene returned to…….Read More

Nisan 17–Sunset Saturday to Sunset Sunday–RESURRECTION DAY!

Nisan 17 – From Sunset Saturday to Sunset Sunday – resurrection morning – the first day of the week Matthew 28:1-6 – “In the end of the Sabbath (Sat) as it began to dawn on the first day of the week, (Sun) came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary (mother of Jesus), to the sepulcher,…….Read More