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DAY TWENTY-TWO—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

Inspiration—Return to God              Scripture Reading—Genesis 28, 34 These last few days will be spent in spiritual recovery and building safeguards against the enemy. Read Genesis 28:10-19 What was God’s promise to Jacob? Why was this place special to Jacob? Read Genesis 34:1-31 What did Jacob’s sons do to disgrace him? (verse 27) What was their…….Read More

DAY TWENTY-ONE—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

             Inspiration—Backsliding      Now that you have seen backsliding as: Turning away from God, and Turning away from God’s truth You have also seen how easy it is to be led astray through: Lusting after evil Spiritual blindness Desire for material things Pride and a haughty spirit Listening to false teachers…….Read More

DAY TWENTY—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

Inspiration—Backsliding                      Scripture Reading—1 Samuel          There is a point in backsliding that leads to rebellion and total disobedience to God.  In this case, as said in Hebrews 6:1-18, it is impossible to restore them to repentance, even though God gives them that chance as long as…….Read More

DAY NINETEEN—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

Inspiration—Backsliding                         Scripture Reading—Luke 22:31-32 Peter was a backslider—but he came back to the Lord and was one of the leaders of the early church.  He preached the first sermon in Acts 2:42-47, wrote two books of the Bible and God used him to encourage…….Read More

DAY Eighteen—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

Inspiration—Backsliding There are certain steps in backsliding.  Read the passages below and chart the course. Step 1—2 Timothy 3:7-8—“Resist the truth!” Step 2—2 Corinthians 11:13-15—“False apostles, deceitful workers” Step 3—2 Peter 2:14-22—“Turn from the Holy Commandment” (Once a person has REJECTED the truth of God’s Word, they are open to the lies of FALSE apostles…….Read More

DAY SEVENTEEN—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

Inspiration—Backsliding Another term for backsliding is APOSTASY—the deliberate turning away from God’s truth and embracing a lie, or a false doctrine.  Satan tries to tempt us, as he did Eve, to doubt God’s Word, or to believe that it really doesn’t mean what it says it does.  Read the passages below and see if you…….Read More

DAY SIXTEEN—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

Inspiration—Backsliding The Bible describes backsliding as “turning away from God to other (false) gods!” the passages of scripture below give us some reasons why we are tempted to turn away from God.  Read the passage and see if you can discover the reason given. Proverbs 16:18—“Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a…….Read More

DAY FIFTEEN—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

Inspiration—Backsliding Backsliding is “falling away” from a total trust in God’s Word as the final authority in all matters of faith and life.  Individuals, families, churches, communities—even nations can backslide from their original commitment to the Word of God as their source of truth. Now that you have relived that “first love” experience and you…….Read More

DAY FOURTEEN—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

So far we have looked at your “first love for God” in relation to your salvation experience, and what was required for you to be born again.  We have also seen the “how” and the “why” of your salvation—God called you to Himself for His glory!  As you review each day’s study, full in the…….Read More

DAY THIRTEEN—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

Inspiration—Endurance                                Scripture Reading—Hebrews 12:1-13 Before you start today, be sure you have a pen and paper close by so you can write down and think about your answers as you read and reflect. In reading today’s scriptures, what is meant by a “great cloud of witnesses”? Read the list of names in Hebrews 11, which…….Read More