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DAY TWO—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

Inspiration—God’s Love                                    Scripture Reading—Romans 5:5-8 Paul says the love of God has been given (verse 5) Within—hearts Through—Holy Spirit who was given to us Paul describes the sinner as (verse 6) Without strength Ungodly How did God demonstrate…….Read More

DAY ONE—“Remember therefore from where you have fallen.”

In order to appreciate what God has done for you in saving you from your sins, let’s review His plan for your redemption and how you received it. Inspiration—God’s Grace                             Scripture Reading—Ephesians 2:1-10 How does Paul describe a man without Christ? “dead in trespasses and sin; walking according to the world” “fulfilling his own pleasures…….Read More


Backsliding is a term given to the process of turning away from God after conversion! How did you lose your first love? Which of the following would best answer the above question for you: Disobedience to God’s standards Failure to read God’s Word Failure to pray to God Failure to witness for God Ungratefulness to…….Read More

Advent–Wednesday, December 23

      Wednesday, December 23 Read Luke 2:1-20 Of all the characters in the Christmas story, the shepherds were the most amazing to me.  Why?  Shepherds were outcasts among the people; they were considered “unclean”, and therefore not welcome in the temple services—other than to bring the lambs, or course!  But God used them…….Read More