Inspiration—God’s Love Scripture Reading—Romans 5:5-8 Paul says the love of God has been given (verse 5) Within—hearts Through—Holy Spirit who was given to us Paul describes the sinner as (verse 6) Without strength Ungodly How did God demonstrate…….Read More
In order to appreciate what God has done for you in saving you from your sins, let’s review His plan for your redemption and how you received it. Inspiration—God’s Grace Scripture Reading—Ephesians 2:1-10 How does Paul describe a man without Christ? “dead in trespasses and sin; walking according to the world” “fulfilling his own pleasures…….Read More
Backsliding is a term given to the process of turning away from God after conversion! How did you lose your first love? Which of the following would best answer the above question for you: Disobedience to God’s standards Failure to read God’s Word Failure to pray to God Failure to witness for God Ungratefulness to…….Read More
One day a lawyer asked Jesus a question, tempting Him to say something against the Law of Moses. He asked Jesus “which is the great commandment of the law? Jesus said unto him, thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all they heart, and with all they soul, and with all they mind. This…….Read More
Dear Heritage Family and friends, Generally speaking, the people of the world could be divided into two groups: those who know God, love God, and serve God, and those who do not know Him, but who may be seeking Him. However, I know of a third group, for I spent 18-years of my…….Read More
In Times Like These, We Need an Anchor A Prayer for the New Year Wayne J. Edwards, Pastor Heritage Baptist Church, 257 Lake Joy Road Perry, GA 31069 Heavenly Father, as our Eternal God, we know Your days are without beginning or without end. From everlasting to everlasting, You are God: a thousand years…….Read More
Friday, December 25 The Lighting of the fifth candle: The Christ Candle (white)—John 1:26 Our waiting is over – Christmas Day is here. As we relight the three purple candles, and the pink candle, we now celebrate the birth of Christ our Savior and Lord. The first purple candle was the Prophecy…….Read More
Thursday, December 24 Read Isaiah 9:2-7 “How beautiful…are the feet of the messenger who announces peace” (Isaiah 52:7). But this peace is not the absence of conflict; this is the peace that God promised to those who believe in and receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. And on this Christmas…….Read More
Wednesday, December 23 Read Luke 2:1-20 Of all the characters in the Christmas story, the shepherds were the most amazing to me. Why? Shepherds were outcasts among the people; they were considered “unclean”, and therefore not welcome in the temple services—other than to bring the lambs, or course! But God used them…….Read More
Tuesday, December 22 Read Zephaniah 3:14-20 In this obscure passage from Zephaniah, God made an incredible promise to His people when He said: “I will bring you home.” He was referring to the days of King Josiah in Judah. But if we allow them, they can give us a fresh promise for…….Read More