Psalm 86:11-13 About right now, to have an undivided heart would be nothing short of a miracle. While I’m not a scrooge, if we allow him, Satan can use this season to pull our hearts in every direction as we are told to “buy this product,” “eat this food,” “come to the party,” or “attend…….Read More
Psalm 42:1-8 Where is your God? Has anyone ever asked you that? Perhaps you suffered a severe crisis of life, and those who mocked your trust and faith in God taunted you in such a way. Psalm 42 was written during the time the Israelites were in captivity in Babylon. Day after day their captives…….Read More
Malachi 3:17-18 In Malachi’s day, the people questioned God’s love. Yes, He had allowed them to return to their land, but the city was in ruins, and they faced many years of hard work in rebuilding their lives. God spoke through the prophet, saying: “I have loved you.” But the people still questioned Him: “How…….Read More
Philippians 4:4-6 The message of Advent is the Lord is near! Therefore, “be anxious for nothing”, but let the “peace of God guard our hearts and minds!” With less than two weeks until Christmas, I’m sure many hearts and minds are filled with anxiety. As we continue to celebrate the first advent of our…….Read More
Philippians 1:3-6 Making bread at home is messy, but it is good! Once the ingredients are mixed, the lump of dough is kneaded until everything has blended together. Then it is allowed to rise for a few minutes before it is put in the oven and baked into something yummy for the tummy! Paul told…….Read More
THE LIGHTING OF THE SHEPHERD’S CANDLE THE CANDLE OF JOY Read Luke 2:7-15 As we re-light the first two purple candles, we remember the meaning of Advent. Advent is a word that means “coming” or “visit”. We are preparing for the Advent at Christmas; walking through those historical steps, and taking time so we can…….Read More
Psalm 27:1-5 If you could have only one thing this Christmas, what would it be? Good health? Family harmony? World peace? Today, many people try to “buy a feeling!” They think if they give their loved ones the tangible things they want, perhaps the intangible will be returned. Not! David wished for one thing: to…….Read More
Isaiah 40:9-11 Waiting! It doesn’t matter if it’s for a baby to come, a check to arrive, the doctor to call or the traffic light to change, waiting can be one of the most challenging things we do. Even with all the modern, time-saving gadgets, and with the information super-highway at our fingertips, we still…….Read More
Isaiah 40:3-5 Every year about this time, the mailbox is filled with envelopes telling us: “You may already be a winner,” and even though we doubt it, our dreams of finding that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow forces us to open the envelope to see. The gullible truly believe their ship…….Read More
Isaiah 40:1-2 When Jesus told His disciples they should not shun the little children, “for such was the Kingdom of God,” no doubt He knew the joy of holding out His arms and having a little child jump up into them. No matter what is going on in our lives, a child’s hug is a…….Read More