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Psalms for the Summer

“ A View of David’s Quiet Time” Psalm 5:1-12

Date:May 26, 2024
Author: Wayne J. Edwards


Given the spiritual condition of today’s church, I believe God’s people need to spend much more time in the Psalms, for while the Psalms reveal both the intellectual and devotional aspects of our daily walk with the Lord, the Psalms also show us how to connect with God through prayer, and how to hear from God through His Word.

This Sunday evening, I will cover Psalms 5 under the heading, “A View of David’s Quiet Time.”

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“A View of David’s Quiet Time”
Psalm 5:1-12

   The background to Psalm 5 is when David’s son, Absalom revolted against his father, so much so that David was in fear for his life, and for the life of those who were with him.

  • David knew he could not do anything as a man, a father, or even as the King to remedy the situation.
  • So, as David had done so many times before, he called upon the only One who could help him in this time of great need.
  • David, the King of Israel, cried out unto God in prayer because of a strained relationship with his son.
  • In so doing, he gave us the pattern for our prayers as well as the purpose for what we know as our daily quiet time with the Lord.

   Over 30 years ago, God prompted me to search for the common denominator between those men and women whom God used in a mighty way in their day, and continues to use today.

  • I discovered that each of them had their own version of the daily “Quiet Time” with the Lord each day.
  • We are still reading about those experiences today because they also journaled their thoughts, their heartaches, their convictions, their insights into the Scriptures, and their prayers unto God.
  • Other than Dr. Luke, none of the disciples had any formal biblical training, other than the rabbinical schools for children – what they learned about God, they learned from their time with the Lord Jesus.
  • Even Jesus, being God of very God, walked away from the disciples and often left thousands waiting for Him to heal them of their varioius diseases, and He communed with God the Father. (Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16)
  • The Old Testament patriarchs did the same thing, including David, and Psalm 5 is David’s prayer for God’s guidance.
  • This psalm was also transposed into music and sung in the temple accompanied by the flute.

1.  David Begs God to Hear His Prayer – Vs. 1-7

  • There are two kinds of prayers –
    • Those expressed in verbal words –
    • Those expressed in silent meditation –
  • “Consider my meditation.”- Rather than telling God what he wanted Him to do, David asked God to search his heart to see if that which he was longing for was right. If so, give it to him; if not, give him what he needed.
  • In Romans 8:26, Paul said “The Holy Spirit helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”
  • “The voice of my cry.” – sometimes we cannot put our prayers into words; they are but “cries” unto God, but He can comprehend the heartache of our heart.
  • “My King and my God.” – David acknowledged God as the Sovereign King, but he came before Him as a child of the King and a worshipper of the King.
  • “For unto Thee will I pray.” – As long as David lived, he would seek wisdom from God and God alone.
  • “My voice You shall hear in the morning.” – David resolved to spend the first hours of the day with God.
  • “I will direct my prayer unto You and look up.” – David laid his requests before the Lord and looked unto God to answer according to His divine will.
  • “For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness.” – David begins his prayer by recognizing that he is praying against the very things that God also despises. However, if God does not dwell with evil, to the degree that we allow evil to reside in our heart, to that same degree God must keep His distance from us. The idea that God is such a loving God that He will overlook our sins is one of Satans deceptive lies.
  • “I will come into Your house in the multitude of Your mercy; in fear of You I will worship toward Your Holy Temple.” – David was well aware of his own sins, which is why he came before God in the multitude of His mercies. David was also aware of the level of his unrighteouness, which is why he would worship God in reverence and respect for God’s righteousness.
    • Psalm 29:2 – Worship the Lord in holy attire; Tremble before Him, all the earth.”
    • Psalm 97:7“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to His name.”
    • Psalm 96:8“Ascribe to the Lord the glory of His name; Bring an offering and come into His courts.”

2.  David Begs God To Guide His Steps – Vs. 8-12

  • “Lead me, O Lord, in Your righteousness. Make Your way straight before my face.”David was a man after God’s own heart, but he still needed to depend upon God’s guidance.
  • “For there is no faithfulness in their mouth.” – David knew he could not trust the words of men.
  • “Their throat is an open grave.”Those who swear and take the name of God in vain are dead in their trespasses and sins, and their words produce the stench of death.
  • “They flatter with their tongue.”Those who speak sweet, flattering words are out to deceive the naïve.
  • “Let them fall by their own counsel.” While we are to forgive our enemies, it is not within our purview to forgive God’s enemies of their words against Him, and unless they repent, they will become victims of their own evil tongues
  • “Let those who rejoice put their trust in You.” The ungodly may laugh today, but they will weep forever. The godly may weep today, but we will rejoice in the Lord forever .
  • “You will bless the righteous and surround them with a shield.” The Holy Spirit not only dwells within the believer, but He also surrounds us.
  • Psalm 3:3-4 – “Lord, You are a shield around me.”
  • Psalm 28:7 – “The Lord is my strength and my shield.”
  • Psalm 33:20 – “Our soul waits for the Lord, for He is our help and our shield.”
  • Psalm 84:11-12 –“The Lord God is a sun and a shield. No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.”