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  • “It is not possible to say, “I am a Christian” and not love the Jewish people. I did not fully grasp that until I made my first trip to Israel over 20-years ago. On the second day of the tour, I exchanged my camera for my Bible, and the historical narrative of the Scriptures literally came alive as we walked where those very events occurred.”
  • “Several years ago, I toured Israel and I saw it with my mind. I can’t wait to go back and view it through my heart. I’m more convinced than ever that the Word of God is true, and that Jesus is truly my Lord.”
  • “I’m so grateful to my mom and dad for taking me to the Holy Land when I was a 14-year-old freshman in high school. That trip radically changed my life. Stories from the Bible that were in my mind as black and white suddenly turned into living color.”
  • From Atlanta – $5249.00 per person
  • Ground costs for those furnishing their own flight to Israel – $3713.00
  • $500 due at registration – balanced to be paid in full by March 5, 2023
  • Passport must be valid through December, 2023
  • For flight schedule, itinerary, maps, photos, registration and other information go to:
  • Dr. Wayne and Linda Edwards 06.05.2023 – Discovery Cruises and Tours (
  • Have a question about the tour: Call Pastor Wayne and Mrs. Linda at 706-599-3966, or 706-599-0854
  • Have a question about the travel, insurance, etc., call Discovery Cruises and Tours at 817-595-2700
  • Or go to: